Day 3
Valentine's Day!
Welcome to Alien's Crazy Castle!

There is plenty of food!

Well, some cupcakes,

Our DJ, Pepsi, is rocking the house!

Asta is serving up some Valentine Drinks!

There are lots of places to explore!

The chapel

the dungeon where Bono tried to eat his way through the bars.

The kitchen where the werewolves ate all the crab cakes!

The garden (See yesterdays post for what it used to look like)
Rosie wearing the Queen of Hicbar's special red collar!
Pip rocking out to Bono!

The ballroom after the explosion!

Shasta and Shiloh!
Things got a little wild as the night progressed.

Thanks for the picture Puddles!

Blueberry in her splint! That didn't slow her down on the dance floor!
I has a crush on Ciara from the OP Pack. Maybe she is at the party and we could spend some time together, but being a young pup another young lady could catch my eye if she isn't there. ~Fenris

Will Alien find the girl who fits the red shoe?

Will Puddles like the dress Sallie made for her?
Yesterday we beat 390 comments! Woohoo! Remember, if you comment, you are at the blog party! And the more comments you make the better your chance to win our Valentine's Day Basket!
Don't forget to go to Rudy's for a Valentine's Giveaway!
Let the final day of the Valentine Weekend Blog Party Begin!
Oh! And remember. When you break 200 comments there is a page #2!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 390 Newer› Newest»Happy Valentine's Day! Woohoo!
That was some crazy ball last night. I'm going to snag a cupcake before those werewolves eat them all!
I is so happy Ciara said I has a special place in her heart. This is shaping up to be a wonderful Valentine's.
Sallie, the ball was a blast. I thinks I better snag some food too. It certainly seems to disappear fast around here.
That Ciara is quite the catch. Hmm. *Examines red shoe*
No. It doesn't appear to belong to Ciara. Excuse me, I'm on an important mission to find my valentine!
Woof! Woof! Happy Valentine's Day. Lots of Golden LOVE n Woofs, Sugar♥
And I should probably change out of my bra. I keep saying that...
Pip ran back to Earth to get more Chicago cheeseburgers and cheetos.
We took all the green papers out of Bono's pockets. With all the money stashed in there we should get a good amount of food. Where is Bono anyway?
Sugar...Give me your paw, love. Let me see if this red shoe fits. Hmm. A little small.
Woohoo, Happy Valentine's Day efurryone!
If y'all want, I'll be glad to play DJ fur the day! I don't have to head back to earth today, whoop whoop!
Yay, Happy Valentine's to all of you!
My legs are kicking and I feel like doing my best dance here!
Gotta have our DJ in the house!
Priscilla! Let me see your foot, love. Hmm. Not quite right....Pepsi? No. No. What am I thinking.
I think I need a martini. Thats what I think. This shoe business will take a long time. There are too many people here! Asta? Make it a double!
Alrighty, keep those booties shaking fellas! Aye, Alien you don't want to have to smell my feetsies, hehehe
The last I saw, Puddles had Bono. Something about a Valentine's present for her mom? I don't know.
These cupcakes are yummy!
Play that funky music, Pepsi!
Yeah i think Puddles had Bono on a leash..
Any request, Sallie? ;)
Woo Hoo...Oh, my poors teenie weenie head. I tink I drank too much.......of sometin'... and I can't finds my brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) anywheres. I tink he might have fallen into da moat and can't gets up.
Priscilla, would you like to dance?
Alien, I thinks that red shoe fits The Beast.
Alien! I was having a potty break! Did the tunes stop already? I had more business than I thought, BOL. I'm back!
Let's see, anybuddy likes The Beatles? "Yellow Submarine~"
We finally made it...So Happy we didn't miss out on a fun ball, we love cupcakes...
♥♥♥♥XoXo♥♥♥♥ Happy Valentines ♥♥♥♥XoXo♥♥♥♥
I wondur if McDonald's do delivery heres?
OkaYS, da party can officially starts nows I is heres.
Soooooooo when and what is Bono gonna sing????
What up Pepsi?
Puddles! Did you bring more cheetos? & where is Bono if you don't have him?
Yes sirre, I has more cheetoes!
I hads to bring Bono back so he could perform...duh...but nobuddys tellin me what he gonna sing.
Alien, do you mind if I have a cigar whiles I play the beats? You can have one if you want, Puddles.
He can sing whatever he wants, I just hope he doesn't do any covers of the Rolling Stones and the Beach Boys...
She moves in mysterious ways!
Alien went to change clothes. I told him the bra had to go if he was visiting other blogs and wishing them Happy Valentine's Day. I mean, his friends are cool with his alternative lifestyle but not everyone is so understanding! LOL!
Bono is looking a little parched. Has anyone given him a drink lately?
Thanks furs da cigar Pepsi!
I am all furs Alien's alternative lifestyle! I don't mind if he comes to my blog with his bra on. If it bothers anybuddy else well then they are just NOT fun...kill joys...hehehehe!
Gosh, open up Bono and drink's good fur you;)
Smoke all you want, Pepsi. I mean, there is all that lingering smoke from the explosion. No one is going to complain!
Love this song!
You tell 'em, Puddles!
Asta, make me a Flaming Blow Job, will ya? Hehe, I always have to laugh when I say this order.
Yeah, Puddles said it. We can even have some fun decorating his bra. Now wouldn't that be pawsome!
Okay, this song is fur all the lovely ladies over here today.
Till There Was You by The Beatles~
Bwhahahahahaha...OMD Pepsi, I hadn't heard dat drink in years!
Turn it up, I needs to dance.
Wheres my beer, I out it down somewheres and nows I can't find it....hmmmmmm.
Oh how wonderful, and a very Happy Valentine's Day to all!
Rudy's Raiser
P.S. We are doing a Valentine's Giveaway; over at our blog... we'd love for you to enter!
Morning everybuddy... HOLY GWALK A MOLEY... look at this MESS!!! Alien, your mom is gonna have a FIT!! Let's all get started picking up the pieces of... WHAT THE HECK IS ...THIS STUFFS???? YUCK!! I'm not EVEN gonna sniff at THAT. eeeeeesh
This has been a super terrific pawty... sorry that I had to miss so much of it... butt Judgy Duty called and that was Most impawtant. Now where is the FOOD???
Asta, will you make me another one of those orange drinks. They are very (hiccup) good. ~Fenris
Did Alien ever find who da shoe belongs to?
I guess he still out lookin'
Sorry about that. I had to change clothes and find my stash of cuban cigars. Now I am ready to find my red shoe valentine!
Drat. Here comes my mother.
Yes, your highness. I'm looking for a bride right now. *Holds up shoe* See?
Hehehehe...your mom is gonna have her panties in a wad befores da party is overs. Still don't know why hers got mad bouts da chandelier cuz dat was so friggin' fun swingin' from.
A shoe? You are finding the future queen of Hicbar with a shoe?!
I think I need to take a walk in my beautiful gardens and calm my nerves. This event has been quite trying.
I see him chained to the stage! We need to rescue him boys!
Wait a second. Stop! Nooooo!
Oh yea, might NOT want to walk through da gardens. How bouts takin' a nice stroll through a busy intersection with Gabe?
GET DA EDGE!!!!!!!!!
Mee is deffo not drinkin any alcofrol today cos mi bruvver took some photys ovs mee not lookin very lady like .......... Oh da barressment ovs it
Fluffy, let's go! We can run up the Edge's pants and bite them just about everywhere!
Day Three!! Happy Valentine's Day Everybodys....WoooHooo!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Yay Maggie Mae! How about a dance, sweetie? ;)
Ah, that picture is priceless. Another one for my space fridge, thats for sure.
Do NOT let my mother go into the garden. The fires are mostly out. Thank goodness for that fountain of youth.
Now we have the whole band of U2 chained up? Good thing this isn't Earth. I think we are breaking all kinds of Earthing laws.
Pass me another Cuban cigar. I need to keep up my strength while I search for the owner of this red shoe?
Maggie Mae? Let me see your paw, love.
Hmm. No. Not right. Blast!
Alien, you had better not let your mom out into the gardens... not until somebuddy gets out there with the Pooper Scooper thingy. And you might want to have the gardners Spray the Bushes off.. they are all lookin sorta ...Yellow... if you get my drift.
Hey Pepsi... do you have any ... Neil Diamond Classics???
Did someone say "Chicago cheeseburgers and cheetos"???!!!! *drool......
Oh what a night! My legs are sore from all the dancing, and my throat is scratchy from all the howling! Pepsi, you are rockin' the music scene!
Happy Valentine's Day to all! I am ready for a great day of fun and more partying!
Hey Everybuddy... if you happen to see PUDDLES.. tell her that I said... I think she is much more closely related to my... Cussin Francine than to ME (Frankie Furter).
PeeS... I'm prolly gonna get SHUT OUT.. due to very thick Clouds here. I'm just sayin. I'll keep tryin to get through though.
Frankie, yes, Neil Diamond, the classic Jewish Elvis. Good choice, my furiend. Cracklin' Rosie coming right up!
"... Oh I love my Rosie child,
You got the way to make me smile.."
How about a little Burt Bacharach for my mysterious girl in red?
I'm high on believin' That you're in love with meeeeeee . Lips are sweet as candy, The taste stays on my mind. ...
Anything fur you, Alien!
Here we go..
"I can't stop this feelin'
Deep inside of me.."
Come on now, mysterious lady, don't keep our Alien waiting fur you on the dance floor now.
OMD...I just realized Rosie had on red...could dat be her shoe??????
Holy Kitteh kat crap!
I need you to play some U2 Pepsi.
Gosh, I need another beer. Where is our bartender?
Hmm. So my idiot cousin is looking for a a lady in red...Perhaps if we dress you in red, Francine, we can lure Alien into the deepest underground tunnels-- where the Jabadukie Beast lives. Mu ha ha ha.
Soon U2 will be singing Monday Bloody Monday! And this Valentine's Day the Jabadukie will eat Alien's heart!
Mu ha ha ha. Mu ha ha ha. Mu ha ha ha.
That tickles, Francine. Knock it off.
Aye aye, Puddles! Is Bootiful Day okays with you?
Grab me a beer too!!
Let's hit the dance floor with some funky old rock 'n roll!
Old Time Rock & Roll by Bob Seger comin right up, let's start grooving~
We are still trying to find Ciara - we heard she was headed for the dungeon with Fenris.
Phantom just wants to hang with Pip - he is enjoying that music so much.
Thunder says he had nothing to do with the big bang in the ballroom.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Yay, the OP Pack's here! Do you have any song requests, Phantom?
Mom says we will be dating ourselves, but how about "Let's go to the Hop"?
Woos, Phantom
Beautiful Day is good withs me!
(throws beer to Pepsi) CAAAAATCH!
Love and beer are in the air! Tee hee.
So romantic!
Turn that rock and roll up! Woohoo!
Thanks Puddles!
"..You're on the road,
but you've got no destination.."
Come on, all together now!
Phantom - ACK! I'm sorry but I haven't heard that before! Who sang it maybe I'll be able to find it in my records somewhere if I knew who the singer was..
BOL - Danny and the Juniors - 1957!!!
Oh my, 1957, I was exposed to stuff from the 1960s onwards only. That's a great song, I love it! It's so funkily catchy!
Come on everybuddy let's do the hop!
*hops around*
That was some party, loved going up and down all the steps ;)
Happy Valentines to all of you.
See Yea George xxx
The garden steps that Roo and Puddles blew up yesterday? The dungeon steps? I think George drank too much moonshine.
Speaking of moonshine...I could use another drink.
Lugging this red shoe and ceremonial sword around is making me thirsty.
*Emerges from underground dungeons* Not as comfortable as yesterdays accommodations, but adequate. After this party I'll need to recover for a month.
And why is the prince of Hicbar carrying around a red shoe? This planet is so odd.
Aiiiiiiieeeee... I thought SOMEBUDDY had send Francine Back to EARTH. What the Squirrel Fur is she Still doing here??? I don't want her messed up any more than she already is!!! Evil Freddie is gonna make her do Terrible thingys. I am Scared fur Francine... and that scares me EVEN MORE!!!
The Edge: Bono, I can't feel my fingers anymore.
Bono: I'm so hungry. I've been living on crab cakes and moonshine for the past three days.
The Edge: I wish we were back in Ireland right now.
Bono: With all the holes, this castle looks a bit like Blarney now.
The Edge: Why do they keep throwing dollars and cheetos at us?
Bono: I don't know. I just don't know.
Oh, quit whining U 2. You should be honored that you're playing in Alien's castle, and that so many pups. I'll get Chubbs to bring you some nuggets he managed to get.
U2 Got crab cakes? Even I didn't get one of those!
Looks like the cupcakes are going fast. Pip sure is taking his time with those cheeseburgers!
Happy Valentines Day!!!
Yeah, I didn't get any crab cakes too. The cupcakes are delicious, you should get some before they're all gone. Pip will be back after 5pm - his Momma is at work and he has to stay home.
Holy Cats and Dogs... does anyone know where I put my drink??? I think I'm still drunk from yesterday's party......
I think I saw Bono take it. If you're having a hangover, drink somemore. BOL.
Hmm. I think I saw a lady in red slip downstairs into the dungeons. It's dangerous down there! I had better go after her.
My beautiful gardens! What have they done to my beautiful gardens!?! That is it. I'm naming Freddy as my heir. My son has gone too far!
Alien... If that is Francine... drag her out of there by her Furs and BEAM her the Squirrel Skins outta here!!!!
Corbin doesn't remember dancin' on da bar...hehehe!
Hicabr Quenn gettin your panties ina wad again.
I must be drunk cuz I sure can't type.
Where's Bono? Don't let him outta your sight, I has to take him back home laters.
Oh Geez!!!!!!!! Don't tell my mom... I told her I quit dancing on bars...! She'll put me back into ::Gasp:: TRAINING! That means limited beer!
Man, I had to go potty and the Queen is freaking out? Someone needs a chill pill.
Pepsi... I'm on my way to see the trees... come on... we'll water them together.
Hmm. I don't remember it being so dark down here. What happened to the lanterns?
*Grasps sword and slowly proceeds down the stairs*
Lady in red? Are you down here?
It appears the Queen of Hicbar fainted when she saw someone watering what was left of her garden.
Does anyone know where Ronni went with her smelling salts?
OOOOOOPS I'm thinkin that was Pepsi and ME waterin the bushes.
I wonder if Alien has seen Puddles lately??? Last time I saw her... there was this PURPLE Glow all around her... and it smelled... kinda ODD...
Gosh. This place is packed. I can't even seen Asta or the bar anymore.
Oh-My-Gosh! Look who just walked in the door! Is that who I think it is?
Whew! Sorry I gots here so late. But at least I didn't miss the bar hopping (HAHAHAHA!). Get it? Cuz I was hopping on the bar?
Anywho...I'm just having the bestest time EVER! You sure do know how to throw one ker-azy pawty!
Wiggles & Wags,
Hahahaha...dat reminds me of dat song "Lady In Red" dat one Pepsi!
Hey Cuzzin Frankie...bwhahahahaha! You tell your mom Happy V Day from me.
Oopsies, we thought no one was around so we watered all the bushes.
Mayzie is here! This song is fur you, bootiful!
Bang Bang by Danger Danger playin'~
Lady in Red by Eric Clapton coming after Bang Bang, stay tuned~
I follow the tantalizing scent of grapefruit and cucumber--down dark halls I haven't travelled in years--hoping to find the lady of my dreams.
The Lady in Red.
I have to bring Chubbs and Fluffy back home! It's 5:30am in Singapore, OMD. I'm gonna get it from A.. Shucks.
Alien, I'll be borrowing your spaceship okay?
Oh it's my BFF Mayzie...woooooowhoooooo! Grab a beer Mayzie and stay fur a bit.
Ohhhhh Pepsi, yous gonna be in truuuuubles!
Howdy all ;)
Got my urban cowdog suit on today yippers :P
Oh yuh Happy Valentine's Day!
Surry fur takin sooo lung gittin har. I was down in the dungenous with Bono. Yuh sleepin I were.
Miss me mum :( so I snuggled with im las night
Even had a salad fore I went to beddy bye to make mum smile :D
Um I was wearin some red pumps to go with my robe. One's missin. Anybody seen it?
It's kind of important I find it. Belongs to mum. Yup whenever I go away anywhere she sends some of her stuff so I don't miss her so much. She really likes those red pumps. I'd hate to make her sad and not bring em both back ya know?
Roo? You are the mysterious lady in red? Then who the heck did Alien go after?
*Shakes head* Between Alien wearing a red bra and Roo wearing red pumps. I don't know what to think.
This party is crazy!
Yikes I havs slept da whole day away
Wot was wee drinkin last nite big bro ? wee has lost da whole ovs da day. How come Da Momster didn't wakes us ?
Good golly Roo, your hick accent is worse than mine.
OMD....Alien has been looking furs you all along. Nows dat is romantical...bwhahahahaha!
Hey, why am I so giigly?
YO!!! Levi is in da house! Lookin for some single ladies :)
Pass a cigar please...
Wassssssssup Levi!
Here catch (throws cigar)! I has plenty.Ever seen a girl smoke a cigar?
Stumblin around in the empty ballroom...
Sure hope the Queen has a good clean up crew. Look at all these bottles and nackies and ooooo I don't want to know what that is.
Sure wish I could find Mom's shoe :( Not under the rug ooo yuk it's soggy!
Maybe I lost it in the garden?
Lookin out the window...
Uh, I sure hope Bono is still heres or my mum is gonna be pissed.
*Singing as he walks down the dark, underground tunnels where the dreaded monster lives*
I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight,
I've never seen you shine so bright,
I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance,
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance,
And I have never seen that dress you're wearing,
Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes,
I have been blind;
The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,
There's nobody here, it's just you and me,
It's where I want to be,
But I hardly know this beauty by my side,
I'll never forget the way you look tonight;
I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight,
I've never seen you shine so bright, you were amazing,
[From: ]
I've never seen so many people want to be there by your side,
And when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away,
And I have never had such a feeling,
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight;
The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,
There's nobody here, it's just you and me,
It's where I want to be,
But I hardly know this beauty by my side,
I'll never forget the way you look tonight;
I never will forget the way you look tonight...
The lady in red, the lady in red,
The lady in red, my lady in red,
I love you...
Dang! That's a big hole out there! They must be plannin to plant a super huge tree! Hate to be one of the buggers who had to dig that hole...
This is the wildest party I have ever went to! Happy Valentine's Day! Pass some of those cupcakes, please!
My head still hurts yikes. Better go find the bar and have some hair of the dawg ;)
ROOOOOOOOO Word of WARRRRRNING... DO NOT Touch or Sniff ANYTHING below Table height.
Good to see you here Roo.
Mu ha ha ha. That's right. My idiot cousin is heading exactly where we wanted.
Mu ha ha ha. Mu ha ha ha.
Stop it, Francine. You know I don't like being touched.
I think I hear singin. Somethin bout red? Hmmmmmm.... maybe someone found my mom's pump? Comin from the bar...
Well Howdy Frankie :)
And Miss Mudd Puddles! Sooooo good to see you dear :)
Either of you seen Mom's pump?
Rem? You dashin stud you! So glad you're here. Let me buy you a shot of Hicbarian Moonshine pal :)
Bwhahahahahahaha....hahahahahaha...bwhahahahahaha....OMD, I can't stop laughin' at Alien singin'....bwhahahahahaha!
Oh dang, I has da giggles again!
Ugh. *Cough, cough* I don't think I like cuban cigars, Mr. Werewolf, sir.
Ok. I'll wash it down with that, if you say so.
What up Roo Roo?
I can't find da bar....did it move?
Puddles I have no idea if it moved. I really don't feel like myself for some reason. Maybe it's the hat? Would you like to wear my hat dear Mudd Puddles?
*Sighs as he lovingly strokes the heal of his lady loves pump*
I hope she is all right.
*Freezes as he hears loud growling noise coming from tunnels ahead*
No! Lady in Red! Don't go down there!
I really need to...where's Asta? We need a beagle! Beagles can always snoop a scent! Yo! any beagles in the vicinity???
Oh Fenwis is such a handsome and loving pup, I suwe hope he gets his Valentine wish.
I'm back behind the baw so who wants a dwink???
Yay! Asta! Pawlease pour me a shot of that Hicbarian Moonshine! Oh and here's one of my hairs just fur good measure ;)
Oh me oh my badness manners! Asta another shot if you will for the dashin Rem.
Puddles? What you want!!!!! Asta's back :)
Even Asta's picture is back! Yay!
Moonshine for everybody!
Big Valentine's Toast to the funniest bloggers in Blogville! Woohoo!
I think Bono and the boys need some moonshine too!
Has anyone seen Alien? His mom is looking for him again.
Oh heck yea Miss Asta's back!
I'll take a Bud Light stirred withs a cheetoes PLEASE!
So good to sees you Asta dear.
Hand overs da hat Roo Roo
Mudd Puddles
Bono and da boys wants some kool-aid! Remembers I has to get him back to my mum...he'll haves to stay in a crate furs da ride home though.
Yay! for Moonyshines!
Thanks Asta... Now Puddles let's hear yur best Texa$$ accent ;)
Bono: Did she say crate?
The Edge: We need to make a break for it.
Bono: Whatever you do. Don't drink the Kool Aid.
Sallie thanks for findin Asta!
Did I hear right? You found my (Mom's) red pump?
Mudd Puddles you can't put Bonehead in a crate.
That's cruel and usual punishment!
By the way, where's Alien?
FINALLY!!! We iz here. Didn't think mom wood ever let us outside BUTT az soon az she did, we ran tu the far corner of our yard then we beamed up to this T-RIFIC pawty. Any food left - we iz starved - haf not eaten since breakfast.
Shiloh'n Shasta
Damn! The monster broke my sword! *Whips out red pump and uses it to stab the creature in the eye* Lady in Red! I'll protect you! Where are you, love? *Stabs creature with the heal again.*
LADY IN Reeeeeeeedddd!
Roo, I ain't from Teas...I is from SC so I has a SC accent...duh!
And yes, I can put him in a crate. I is Puddles remember?
Mudd Puddles
Oh snot blobs, you brokes da sword?
It betters not have been mine.
Yay! Beagles!!! Y'all I need you to help find my er my Mom's red pump! If I let you sniff the one I have can you scour the castle and try to find my other one? Pawlease? :)
Mudd Puddles jus because you is from the SC place doesn't mean you can't affect a TX drawalll? Surely your not that narraw in your scope of talent.
I promise I has not seen dat red pump...hehehehehe (cutting eyes)
Mudd Puddles
I can lip sinc a sawg ta proof da pointy sword ;)
I'm long, not narrow. Wait, actually I is kinda narrow partna'
Mudd Puddles
Ahv bin wantin to swang yur rond da dancin flur since I sur yaz. Bin tinkin bout the lectric bull an seein yur fur fly on it ba ba ba babie ;) Such a barbeque site on any a nite my short cake saweetie ;)
See not so herd :)
More moonshine pawlease miss Asterix :)
Okays Roo, I thinks you has me beat on da accent.
I need a round of beers over heres.
OMG...Roo yo is killin me...hahahahaha!
Asterix...bwhahahaha! Dat was good.
Wellllllllllll, we can shur give it a goed Beagle-y try. An'az long az there iz no other uh - offensive odor tu it.
Are there any crabcakez left - they r portable so we cood carry them while we snoop.
Uh....what happened to Alien?
Hellos Shasta and Shilo! Gald to sees ya'll!
Ha Ha! Roo and Puddles should go on the road with a comedy act.
Muddled Puddle (hmmm that could be a good drink? ;), perhaps we should saunter on down to de dungeonous crap er I mean crap area to seek out our alias, er I mean Ailin dog gone! I mean our Alien furiend! He's been missin in Activia er I mean action fur a while.
Dag nab this Mooningmeshine shtuff! Makin my wurds kolide!
Can't seem to say crap fur some reason. Hmmmm...perhaps a subliminal fear of Crabrella?
Hey there Miss Guv'ner Puddlez - how'z ya duin?
Shiloh'n Shasta
BOL! still can't say the ding dang thang!
Hey! Nobody complimented Puddles on the pink dress I made her out of Bunnies clothes. :)
Ronnii words is still all muddled from last nite her was boozed up to da hilt
BOL...Roo, you is on a roll tonite.
Are you sures you can make down to da, dungeon?
That is Bunny's clothes. I gave up spelling a long time ago.
Pass that moonshine jug over and we will go hunt for Alien! Woohoo!
Dungeons here we come!
Did you ever think you would go Alien hunting? Tee hee.
Sallie dear, my dress is beeeautiful and it is very fits like a glove.
Pass me da moonshine too. I thinks Sallie is drunk too...hehehe! Dis is so fun!
A hunting we will go. A hunting we will go. High ho the something something. A hunting we will go!
Alien never let me drink this moonshine stuff before. Never smoked cuban cigars before either. Woohoo!
A hunting we will go. A hunting we will go. High ho the Alien. An Alien hunting we'll go.
Ruby: Love the dress Mudd Puddles! We're just here for a quick drink!
Miss Asta, Three lemon drops, please!
oooo you have a glove? I like gloves. Are they white? I could grab a werewolf or vamp and do the Michael Jackson Hicbarian walkie walkie :D Oh yeah bubby ;)
Oh I loves dat tune Sallie. Should we sneak up on him...shhhhhh, be vewy ke ke...I damn, I still has da gigglies.
R U B Y!!!!! I was lookin fur yaz earlier. Couldn't find ya :( (yah half to admit my eyes were just slits but hey! I was tryin! :D
Anyway. Just wanted to wish ya a Happy Valentine's Day :D
No you dork, I not wears gloves, my arms are too short.
Does anybuddy have any gloves?
I has to see Roo cut a Michael Jackson.
Maybe we can steal them from da vampires.
Hi Ho The Merry O :) A huntin we will go...
Um Sallie? I furgot. What are we huntin?
A huntin' we will go...a huntin' we will go....
dog gone it...I is gonna has dat tune in my head all nite nows.
Were huntin' Bono...oh wait no were not...I'm so confused nows.
Oooops...I meant we're not were.
What is that infernal racket?
Alien hunting?
Hmm. I see the palace guards are coming.
Hunting Bono! LoL!
Look Puddles. I see some crates behind those skeleton bones over there.
Is dat you Gabe?
Come overs and chit chat withs me...I'll be nice...hehehehe
Oh yea, a crate...score AND bones too.
Wow, dis my lucky day
I think we lost Roo. It sure is dark down here. I can barely see by the light of my cigar!
Sallie I'm down here.....
What's all the slime on the walls? Must be ghosties ;)
Thats right, little, black kitty. Give me the key....
There's a light...
In the velvet darkness of the blackest night
Burning bright, there's a guiding star
No matter what or who you are.
There's a light over at the Frankenstein Place
There's a light burning in the fireplace
There's a light, light in the darkness of everybody's life.
I can see the flag fly, I can see the rain
Just the same, there has got to be
Something better here for you and me.
There's a light over at the Frankenstein Place
There's a light burning in the fireplace
There's a light, light in the darkness of everybody's life.
The darkness must go down the river of nights dreaming
Flow morphia slow, let the sun and light come streaming
Into my life, into my life.
Now we are Alien hunters and ghostbusters!
When there's something strange, in your neighborhood. Who ya gonna call?
Rocky you're my hero ;)
We B-bratz r on the hunt fer a pretty red pump - what u'all huntin'fer? Are there wabbitz an'squirreliez around tu?
*Emerges from tunnel holding broken red pump and covered in blood*
Roo? Puddles? Sallie?
What are you all doing?
Sallie? Are you drunk?
Roo? Are you wearing a red dress?
Puddles? Why are you carrying those crates?
Beagles! Come to the Horror picture with us :)
It'll be fun I well don't exactly guarantee but I will promise :D (paws crossed behind butt)
You guys are here too? What are you all doing down here?
*Sees palace guards racing towards them*
What the heck is going on?
Of course I'm not wearin a red dress Alien. Sheesh!
I am wearing a dogly robe thank you furry much!
We are hunting Aliens and Ghosts! *giggles*
If Pip was here we would have most of the X Paws team!
Woohoo! Yay! *Jumps up and down*
Um, I think I'm gonna be sick.
*Turns around and throws up on palace guards* Ewwww.
A Horror pikchur - where iz it?
Oh Alien, don't ask bouts da crates.
It's a secret
Hhehehehe...he thoughts you was wearin' a dress
Somebody broke the shoe before I got a chance to try it on? Well, gosh darn it! I can rock the heck out of black boots, I know I could have worn a red shoe, too!
What happened to the garden? It looked so pretty yesterday!
We's gonna watch a movie?
we needs 'maters
Are there wabbitz there - Beaglez r known fer huntin'wabbitz donch no? BUTT we can hunt other stuffz tu.
Oh yippie skippy...Bunny's in da house! What's up girlfuriend?
I can hunt badgers and ground hogs
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