Now for safety, everyone buckle their seat belts and put on their space helmets. Sallie will point out the emergency exits and...Hello? Is anyone listening to me?

"Woohoo! Turn up the Techno music, Puddles!"

"Hmm, which one be da music..."

"Cool! Alien has Disco lights! "
"I'm squished."
"Where's the bathroom?

"Um. Never mind."
"Accident on aisle three!"

I told everyone to try and meet us on their rooftops. Set it down gently, Puddles. That's right. Nice and slow. Nice and...


Well, hopefully we will have better luck at the next house.

"I see someone!"

"Over there!"

"Who the heck is that?"
"Who cares, beam them up!"

"And that guy too!"

"It's a good thing we left early."

Don't worry Frankie, Ruby and Penny. We are on our way!
"I don't know this guy... but beam him up too! "
Are we there yet? No, OK good, cause I need to make a quick stop - see my blog for details.
Your pal, Pip
Alien's spaceship is THE best way to travel. And we are so enjoying all the passengers, even the one with the umbrella and that crazy guy from Chicago. Now turn up the music, time to dance!!!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
This is so wonderful! I just heard on the radio here that somebody reported a UFO in this area hours ago but by time the fire department got here to check it out, if was completely gone luckily! Puddles is sure a great driver of spaceships. Holly looks like she is doing okay and hasn't been bad at all. This is her first wedding and she promised she would be good. Dance on and have fun!! Lots of love, Debbie
This be so nice of you Alien, for offering up your UFO for all us to get to da wedding!
I sure am glad that Puddles picked us up in Lucy's pasture/yard. Her roof landings are a little 'rough'! Whoever lives in dat furst house can now install da Skylights!!! BOL
See you soon....MinnaK
You dogs really travel in sky high style! I bet you can get to the wedding in seconds in that thing! BOL
Okays, I found da radio and hopes ya'll mind me singing....
Play that funky music green boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music green boy
Lay down that boogie and play that funky music till you die
(hey,hey) till you fly yeah, yeah....
Wooooowhoooooo...dis is fuuuuun!
Hey, sorry bouts dat roof. Hopes you gots home owners insurance person I don't know.
Oh Alien!!! We's so excited for 'dis big event!! And we's can't wait for another rides in 'da space ships!!!! Oh tanks for 'da trips!!
Since Puddles be drivings...hee hees.. we's brings our helmets for sure!!
See yous soooooon!!
IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man
I know you are having a nice time in the spaceship.
See you there!
Kisses and hugs
This is amazing! You did such a wonderful job and you are really creative. Thanks for picking up Charli :>)
Oh, this is a great post. I'm at the wedding now, but it's wonderful seeing exactly how all of you got here. (I took a cab. It was surprisingly quick.)
lotsa licks, Lola
I can't believe Lilac was the only one who got onto the spaceship, and she took all the green papers with her! Never fear, I found Mom's magic plastic and Blue, Morgan and I found ourselves a private jet to get us to the wedding. Now I just have to find somebody to dance with when we get there!
Don't worry some of the damage on that roof will buff right out! And maybe it won't rain for awhile.
What an awesome ride!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Thanks so much for agreeing to pick up my boys. They said they had a safe trip there and got to make a few friends they hadn't met before. They also said they got there a lot quicker than they would've if they'd gone by plane. I was a little nervous letting them go with Puddles as the pilot but I see now that I had nothing to worry about.
Chico says he's sorry he had an accident on aisle 3, he just couldn't hold it in any longer.
Oh my word!!! Hysterical. We thought we saw a UFO
Benny & Lily
What a fun,wild ride! It was even better, because I got to ride with you, Sallie!! BTW, Shingo and Molly enjoyed the ride too!
Woof! Woof! Doggie guys are so lucky to get to ride the spaceship. Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
What a blast! We luved your post! Too cute!
Riley and Star.
Ummmm...yea bouts da trunk...yes, we need 3 kegs. I mean they was dry by da time I crash...uh, landed da spaceship...duh!
And don't you think it kinda weird to haves fotos of me plastered all overs your walls in da spaceship?
Preacher Puddles
That was some exciting ride!
A regular Noah's space ship!
Oh my gosh.....I just came across your blog at two cavaliers!
I just love it!
I have signed up to be your newest follower!
Have a wonderful evening!
We loved the post, must have taken time and skill to put all that together.
Just think I should tell you Bonny barfed in aisle 2, back row... Think it was the crash landing wot dun it!
Woofs and Waggles
Hector and Bonny too!
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