Translated with Secret Alien Technology:

The wedding is approaching and my cellphone is ringing off the hook! Wait. Can cellphones ring off the hook? Oh, well. I wonder who is texting me now. Hmm. It's Rosie.

She says, "Alien. Don't forget to pick me up."
Rosie can be a bit bossy but I need a strong woman to bring back to Hicbar. Wait. I have another call...It's Molly.

"Alien, Can you give Shingo and me a lift to the wedding too?"
Hmm. That reminds me. I wonder if Sallie is going with that pup, Indiana. Looks like I have another call...

"Hi Alien! Dawn took me shopping for the wedding and I got my first purse! Do you like it?"
*Sigh.* I think she is too young for all of this. I'll just text her back that I like it and...Who is calling now?

"Hey, Alien. It's Indiana. Is Sallie there? I want to make sure we are going to the wedding together."

"Muh ha ha ha. See you at the wedding, loser. "
You just wait, Freddy! I'll... Now who is calling?!

Hmm. I guess they are going together. This will be their second date and... Blast! Another call. Oh! It's Lilac.

"Hi, Alien. Call me later!"
Oh, ho. Nice. I knew she handcuffed me to her fan because she liked me. I'll call her right now and...Ugh! Who is texting me now?!

"Hi you green, stud muffin. Hee he he."
That Francine sure is cute. I think I'll call her back first and...For the love of--Who is texting me now?!!

"E.T. Phone home."
Anakin has to teach him some more English. *Sigh* I think I'm going to turn off my cellphone and...Wait. Hello. What is this coming through....

Another picture from the Minx. Ha ha ha ha. What am I going to do with her?
Hmm. I have to get a final head count of who is coming in my spaceship. There is a weight limit. If you are coming with me, text me or leave a message in the comments below. I have a feeling this is going to be a wedding to remember.

Sallie and I would like to thank all of you who have given us awards lately. We particularly like our "Strange" award. Thank you, Roo, Miley, and Pibble. This post is dedicated to you. We will do a proper acceptance post and pass the awards along at a later date. If anyone can think of a blog that is "Strange" please let us hear your thoughts. You see, we have a difficult time defining strange.
Oh dam I would have loved to have got a lift with you, but I've brought me plane tickets and a canner get a refund
So see you at the wedding on saturday.
George xxx
Hu Hu's!! Yous popular dude wits cool ride!! Hey!! 'danks for 'da ride on tueday!!! We's had funs!!!
E.T.'s will teach yous his language for reeses..snorts!!
see yous at 'da wedding..
pick us ups on 'da roofs..
IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man
We would be very happy to let our sister Ciara go with you to the wedding as long as Alien doesn't lose her along the way. Mom would never forgive us. It is going to be one awesome wedding.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder (and Ciara too)
Bwhahahahahaha...oh I be's laughing sumptin crazy!
Okays, you know I going ups in da spaceship and I drives too.
Ifs you do pick everybuddy ups could ya beso kind as to send a foto so I can post it on my bloggie? Purty please!
Oh, and how comes you ain't following my blog? It's cool to follow me...hehehe!
Holly wants to be picked up please! She tried to book a flight out but I made her hang up the phone. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Sallie and I are both following you, Minx. Maybe it is a blogspot glitch, but rest assured: We are both keeping tabs on you.
And yes. I promised you could drive. May the stars help us.
I wants to ride in da spaceship to the weddings for sure...count me in! My yard is big enough so youz can just park it behind my house too!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie MAe
What a clever, clever post! I love that you brought everyone in on the conversation via cell phone! Boy, are aliens and dogs ever the smartest these days!
Thanks for adding me to your follow list! I am your follower now too!
OMD, seriously, Puddles is driving??? Count us boys in too:)
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
AIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Alien I know just what you are up against here. I am about to pull my everlovin' furs out!!!! Aiiiiiieee
Somehow I feel better now that I know I'm not alone with these last min. SCRE... UMMM MIX ups...
We don't care if Rosie is bossy, we love her anyway!
Have a good time everydog and cat.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
We love how ET called in too!!!
Oh, phooey! I was hoping I was going to get to go in the spaceship! I'm not sure taking Lilac is a good idea. If she handcuffs you again, who's going to drive. Please don't let the answer be Puddles! She can't hold her liquor! Well, back to the dating drawing board for me!
P.S. Lilac says she's out of green papers and wants to know if you found any anywhere. *blushes*
Um, about that Bunny....
OK, so I am about to go into hiding for a few days (the cops are on my tail) and I was hoping you could pick me up at an undisclosed location and deliver me to the wedding.
What do you say???
P.S.: I am ignoring that whole thing about Rosie. NOT LISTENING!
Thanks for stopping by Bocci's Beefs and for the Follow-will do the same for you and add you to our blogroll too.
The wedding sounds so fun! Can a cell phone "ring off the hook'? Good question!
Your buddy,
Charli will be there for sure. She got her dress today. She is such a picky little schnauzer!!
If there's still room, my boys would love a ride on a real live space ship. They're small and Chico can squeeze into some pretty small places. They'll need to go together though so if you only have room for one, I'll understand.
ummm Alien
could you pleez take me to the wedding can land youw spaceship on ouw woof if you want while I load all my luggage and pwesentses
thank you so much
give my love to sallie
smoochie kisses
There is plenty of room, I think.
How big is that spaceship anyway? We have to go to the wedding on the train...:(
Anyway, I guess they serve snacks!
Wyatt and Stanzie
I guess Alien has the biggest spaceship in the... space!
Kisses and hugs
Oooooh, can I have a ride too? Please!
It's us again. We are getting excited about the wedding and riding in the spaceship! Mom as usual is late but sent a picture of me in but I didn't have anything fancy to wear except my fur. This is fun! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Careful alien doesn't lose sissy...Do you pick up hitchhikers?
Benny & Lily
That's going to be a very full spaceship. I guess I'll take the train. It's so nice of you to take so many guests to the wedding, Alien. I think getting there will be half the fun for those lucky doggies.
lotsa licks, Lola
Woof! Woof! YES it's this weekend. That ALIEN ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Wow...ur phone was a hotline alien!! u sure are lucky to have so many lovely girls calling u up! x x
We just laughed and laughed,especially when ET phoned in!
Lu-Lu & Lucius
We want to go to the wedding! Although we are a little confused by who is getting maried--3 people???
Yes. Frankie is marrying Ruby and Penny on Sat, Aug, 21, 2010. Check out the link at the top of this post. It will take you to the wedding. Over 100 blogs are joining in the fun.
What excitement!
Hi Alien
Thank you for stopping my bloggie. I would LOVE a lift. Am flying (First Class) so let me know where I should go to find you. LOL.
Waggles and Wiggles
Hector and Bonny too!
PS: Bonny wants to know if she should wear a hat?
Oooooo! Your cell bill's gonna be the size of a planet!
Rollin on the floor here making hyena noises ;)
Respectfully requestin a joy ride on your ship Alien :) If, after payin your cell bill you still have enough for fuel.
We'd love to ride in a least I would. The other two are toooo wimpy. But unfortunately we already have our plane tickets AND SHE got the unrefundable ones! So have to take a raincheque on the ride.
See you there!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
You certainly are busy with all those calls..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What time should we be ready for you to pick us up, Alien! Can't wait to see my Sallie!!
Can I have a ride too? I've never been in a space ship before! I can even sniff my way to Maggie Mae's house because she's not that far from me! One less stop! Let me know if you have room! I'll bring beer!
Hello! Stopping in to introduce myself...I'm Roxy and I following your blog with my mom now.
Have a great day and looking forward to reading more.
Roxy and Mom
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