Day 2

Welcome to Alien's Castle on the planet Hicbar!

The Queen of Hicbar's Throne!

The party is in full swing! Yesterday we broke 250 comments!

There is plenty of food

Alien's famous Crab Cakes

Beware Roo's Hicbarian Moonshine.
Alien's castle is full of secret places to explore

Including underground tunnels and gardens

(Chubs and Fluffy enjoying the gardens)

the library

the armory

the sacred fountain of youth!

Our DJ, Pepsi, is rocking the house!

And tonight is the Valentine's Day Ball! Get ready to dance the night away!

Asta and Gussie!


Ronnii looking beautiful in blue!

The Chandelier before it broke all over the dance floor!

And don't forget a special guest performance by Bono!
(Thanks for the photo Asta!)

Judge Frankie Looking Good!
If you have any pictures, e-mail them to Tomorrow is the final day of the party. Remember. If you comment, you are at the party! And don't forget to visit our bartender Asta and Lucy's kissing booth! (See yesterday's post!)
Let day 2 of the party begin!
When you break 200 there is a second page! Be sure to click on newest comments.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 388 Newer› Newest»That's strange. I woke up missing my smoking jacket. Ah, well. I think I need a drink. Hmm. Where did they move the bar?
Mee is off for a wee nap den getting mi ball gown on , mee wants to look mi best fur someone
The donkey in the kissing booth said Bono was handcuffed to the stage, but I don't see him. And I had to give her three kisses!
Any dedications to the ladies, boys?
I'd like to dedicate "I like big butts and I can not lie" to Puddles.
Boy! The party sure starts early around here! I think I'll avoid the punch today.
Look! There's Rosie! Hi!
Oh, you are selling bottled water? That sounds good. The label says "Special Fountain of Youth Water! Will make you look young for the ball tonight."
Well, I don't know if I have to look young, but I sure am thirsty!
How much? Ten dollars!
Um, I think I'll drink from the grotto.
Sometimes I think cats are smarter than dogs.
Aw, that's cute. Alright pawty peeps, I Like Big Butts by Sir Mix A Lot coming right up!
whoop whoop...fist and your peeps know how to Valentine it up!!<3
Shiloh'n Shasta here fer day 2 of this FANTABULOUS PAWTY! We r STARVED - what'z tu eat? How 'bout sum of thoze delish crabcakez - need sumthin'tu drink tu.
*Stretches as he emerges from the underground tunnels dressed in a tuxedo*
Mmm. Those old dungeons make the perfect resting place for my kind. Now for some breakfast. Oh, I know that song.
*Hums to Sir Mix A Lot as he crosses the crowded ballroom*
Better get to those crab cakes quick! The werwolves ate them all yesterday. Alien had to fly back to Earth to get some more. And some woman wearing a Bono T-shirt tried to jump on his spaceship! Speaking of Bono...Where did he go?
Hey, is the bartender here yet? I need some drinks to get my rhymes a flowing so you peeps get to dancing! Oh, and would someone pass me some crab cakes too?
What fun! What goes on at Alien's castle stays at alien's castle, right? Stumpy has a reputation to protect. Plus she is supposed to be on lock down. Her probation, parole and sentance could be affected if she is discovered there!
Waggin' at ya!
Stumpy and me
Psst Alien, we have trouble. Rosie and your mother were up all night talking. Apparently, your mother admires her spunk and fire. She even passed on the historic Hicabarian collars to Rosie and Sweet Pea - you know the ones that have been in your family for 10,000 years since the great felines ruled your planet.
Waiter, over here! I will have thee crab cakes. Adjusting beautiful red collar - why this, yes, isn't it lovely. It was given to me by the Queen. That's right, THE QUEEN!
Now, where is Alien?
Whoooooooie... I'm BACK. This is gonna be a Fun filled day!!! I just hope that I don't run across Alien's MOM again. That lady is HARSH!!
Hey... I hope I get a Crab Cake Today!!!
Anybuddy seen PIP or Richie and Shasta this morning?? I'm needin to find a good TREE after the flight back.
Why is that Two Legger guy singing to Lucy's nostril???
Woof! Woof! More Golden WOOFS! Golden thanks for revealing n showing your castle. I'm doing a Golden Dance to join your party. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
My mother gave Rosie that collar? But she never likes anyone! Where the heck is that bar? I need a martini with a twist of cheeto stat!
Good morning, all! What a great night's sleep I had after all that dancing!
I hope Lilac hasn't done something to embarrass us overnight. I saw her eyeing that werewolf a little too closely for my liking...
Bartender, I need a mimosa with a pink umbrella, please!
Shasta here - my brother Shiloh is out in the gardens - checkin'the perimeter of the property.
Anyone seen any more gnomes?
This is just, the best party - ever!
Love the pictures!
This party is pawsome. I didn't know about it until Asta invited me. I am headed out to explore and check out the girls.
Asta, you look divine as always.
Has anybody seen Ciara?
Hey Fenris buddy Gooooood to see you. Ummm I heard that Thunder was keeping a Paw on Ciara. Better watch yourself. He has a BROTHER and they are very pawticular about their little sister.
What time is the Ball supposed to start???
I am soooooo ready to relax after all the Judge stuff at MangoMinster... and that horrid FRANCINE... Mess.
What are Pickles and Minna Krebs doing this morning??? I wonder if Lucy will be in the Kissing Booth again today?? That girrrl had quite a line up there yesterday!!!
That's right, Sallie, cats ARE smarter than dogs. That bottling the fountain of youth water was all MY idea and I have the queen's blessing. Just don't give any to Pip. (insert evil kitty laughter).
Oh Alien, where are yoooouuuuuu????
If anyone is lookin fur me... I'll be in that fantastical LIBRARY...
I'm gonna see if there is some way to ... REMOVE a Relative from the Family Tree... Not the one we pee on... the other one.
I've gotta find a way to get Rid of Francine. She has become a millstone round my neck.. Goood grief... She even called Mango... GUAVA!!!
This party is out of control! I think the gnomes stole the bar!
Oh! There it is. I see it floating in the sacred fountain of youth, what's left of it. Better set up a couple of bars with this crush.
Boy, Frankie. You deserve a medal for all that running back and forth! Alien's spaceship has some miles on it now!
But didn't I just see Francine slip in the back door? Maybe I'm wrong...
Alien, your garden is pawsome! It's full of hidden treasures, oh gosh!
There you are Alien... hey buddy you might want to check your email addy... the one you have listed may not work. Just sayin.
I was on my way to the library to do some Relative Research... butt if you need some help getting the Bar.. chunks out of the water... I'll be glad to lend you a paw.
Aiiiiiiiiiiieeeeee... Please tell me it wasn't FRANCINE, Sallie. PLEASE..... It can't BE... I HOPE!!!!! OMD OMD... ALIEN.... can you do a full pawty SCAN... to check fur... UNINVITED... pawty CRASHERS.. If you DO find FRANCINE... beam her to TEXAS!!! Or No More Leans or... Siberia.
Ah. Finally. I have my martini and can start the day.
Thanks for catching that Frankie! All fixed now. Oh! And be careful in the library. I saw some of those Alien girls Roo tried to set me up with in there.
Drat! There is my mother again. *Runs to hide behind nearest plant*
Ugh! Ok, people, dogs, cats, vampires, werewolves, space aliens, Listen up! The bathroom is outside. OUTSIDE!
If you just let me out of this dungeon. I promise I'll perform later! Hello? Anybody there?
Sigh. At least they left me this jug of moonshine and bowl of cheetos.
Pip, buddy. Do you mind keeping an eye on Chubbs and Fluffy if you can? I wouldn't want them to become catnip at this pawty. I'll be at the DJ booth if you need me!
I'll watch out fur them in the LIBRARY. I just hope and pray that Sallie Marie is Wrong.. and it was some other dawg she saw. Can you just imagaine HER... getting within a Lightyear of the QUEEN. SHIVER
Hey Morgan... what are you doing in the Library without your sisters??? Do they know where you are??? ... You better stay here with me.. until they come along. I'm just sayin.
Don't worry, Pepsi, I will take care of Chubbs and Fluffy. Actually, they are pretty tough, I think they could handle themselves.
Hicabarian beer, yummy. And it is just about time to bring out my secret stash of cheeseburgers.
Morgan what are you Sniffing about??? Hummmm?
Cheeseburgers????? Now that you mention it... I smell them too.. Come on... let's go TRACKIN.
Frankie - I think I just saw francine going into the gratto ...
That's right, you smell good old fashioned earth brand cheeseburgers. I brought a cooler from home just in case ... now who wants one? Maybe I ought to flip one for Bono?
I can't believe I'm a whole day late! Better start catching up! Give me a few brews and some cheeseburgers!!!!
Thanks Pip! Well, if it's just the gnomes, they should be fine. I'm worried about the kittehs seeing them as hammieburgers.
Hmmm, did somebuddy say.. Cheezeburger!?
This place is packed! I hope my dress doesn't' get wrinkled. Hey! Watch the tiara! Bunny let me borrow that!
DJ! Can you play the song...Um, I don't know the name. But it goes. "Shake Shake Shake. Shake Shake Shake. Shake your booty! Shake your booty!
I dedicate to Indiana! Wherever he is...
what a cool place to pawwwwwtyyyy... beam me up Alien :)
Could you make some cheeseburgers for us werewolves? We already ate most of the crab cakes.
Bonnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *waves* BoooooooooooooonooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOO
A song dedication from Sallie to Indiana.. Time to shake the booties, efurryone.
Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty by K.C. & The Sunshine Band coming right up!
Come on let's shake it shake it!
PIP... could I Borrow the Cooler when you are finished with it???
THANKS Buddy... I'm gonna try and Trap Francine in it and ship her off to Rigal 4.
CORBIN... my furend... I need a big strong FAST guy like you. Come to the grotto with me... we need to Catch Francine before she gets to The QUEEN and causes even more trouble than she did by calling Mango... GUAVA. Alien will be grounded fur 87 Light Years if we don't get Francine the Squirrel Outta here... FAST!!!
Hey Frankie, if you need some critter to talk some sense into Francine, you can try looking fur Fluffy and Chubbs. They are quite the talkers, and they both speak nuts too.
Shake, Shake, Shake! Shake me a cheeseburger! Shake me a cheeseburger!
I'll beam you up, Anny!
Hmm. I think these martinis are stronger than yesterday. Better be careful. I'm the guest of honor at tonight's ball.
Aye, toss me a beer, somebuddy! & a cheezeburger!
Anyone want a Corona? I'm dropping some off to Bono in the dungeon.
*Lurking in grotto* Hello Francine. Remember me?
Wow, What a Pawtay!! We just can't get enuff of this place...and the food, well OMD!!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Hi Wyatt and Stanzie! Want some Fountain of Youth bottled water?
Has anyone seen Alien? I heard the vampires got into the antique armory and are having a sword fight. His mom is freaking out!
On my way, Frankie!!! Whatever you need!
Aiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Did you all see that Evil Freddie is talkin to GASP... FRANCINE!!! Come on everybuddy... TO THE GROTTO.. we gotta get that Girrrrl OFF this Planet... NOW!!!! I need HELP.
over 250 comments... yesterday... I think we should shoot fur like 287 PLUS .. today.
Holy moly...what a PAWTY!!!!!
Is that Asta dancing with Gussie??? Wow...I think she just stomped on his paw...she's been taking those Irish step dancing lessons at her Uncle Toni's....
I do have my blender for some special Red Berry Smoothies for tonight....
Kisses and more,
Miss Lacie Cakes
I fink I am layin off the martinis tonight cos I want to be able to dance wivs a very gawjuss lady.
Hey Pip do yu havs any cheeseburgers lefts I finks I should eat somefing
HEY somebuddy toss Pepsi a cheeseburger on your way by. EXTRA Napkins... we don't want him to have greasy paws while he is trying to spin some platters.
Lets see if we can break blogger! Woohoo!
Party! Party! Party!
Is my tiara on straight? At this rate I'll be a mess before the ball starts.
Alien's mom is determined that he dance with all the girls at the party and find a bride.
I'll take one of those Red Berry Smoothies, please. Can you put in a drop of blood?
B-O-N-O!!! Can you hear me? Where are you? Your band is here to rescue you!
Mee is here at last , mee will dance wivs Alien mee has been practisin .
Ohh When is Mr Bonio gonna perform mee wants to know what all da fuss is bouts him
Pepsi! When you are done with that cheeseburger, can you play Seal's "Let me Roll" for Ronni?
Heart and Soul, baby!
She has a big heart and I'm a complicated soul!
Why Fank Yoo Alien dats so sweet ovs yoo to say dat, now lets go boogie
Hey Frankie wot on earth dids mee do last nite mee can't remember ?
The Alien Castle is impressive!
We have been having lots of fun!
Kisses and hugs
Break Blogger???? I hope we don't do THAT, butt I think we could BEND it BADLY.
Ummmmmm Alien... I haven't heard anything about your DAD, butt Roo is wearing a rather Masculine Crown... should we be worried?
I just woke up,,I think I might have had a just a bit too much of my own pawtinis last night, what wif all the dwama Fwancine caused at Mango Minstew and twying to cheew up Fwankie, I had to keep dwinking wif him,
I just went to Roo's blog and told him to get his balloon tied butt back here! Pronto!
My father passed away before I left for Earth. That is why my mother is insistent I find a bride. That crown will belong to me when I take up the throne. But I'm too young! I'm only 500 Earth years. That is like 25 in Hicbar years.
On second thought....Maybe he should wear it at tonight's ball. Yes! Brilliant! We will paint Roo green and he will stand in for me. It will work. Right? Right?
That sounds like a PLAN... If you can find your Smoking Jacket.. and it will FIT him... Roo would be a PERFECT Double fur you.
Thanks Asta fur all your kind words and thoughtfulness. Francine is gonna cause my furs to fall off.
Hey... guess what???? I am gonna try to break Puddle's Record fur the number of posts here. It'll be tough beclaws we all know that she has diahreeeeeeeah of the Mouff.
My Mom woulds say Puddles was vaccinated wivs a gramaphone needle................BOL
Richie's mum would be RIGHT about that toooooo!
Soooooo what time is LUNCH??? And Where will it be served???
Oh, what fun! May I have the next dance, Asta?
We'll be back by later for more of the fun!
Meanwhile out on the castle grounds...
Screeeeeech! Bang! Biff! Tumble Tumble Flip Flip Errrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttt.... SPLASH!
Oh my achin neck, back..Jeez even bent my tail! :(
Where'd I land?
At least it was in water.
Hmmmm? I feel more energized all of a sudden! Bruises bent tail and all!
Too bad about the ship :( Hope Alien's Mom bought the extra insurance when she rented it for me :O
The more comments the more chance to win the Romance Gift Basket Sallie made. Each comment gets entered in the drawing.
Lunch was served in the banquet hall but the werewolves got their first and ate everything. Looks like a liquid lunch for me again.
I think Puddles made off with my smoking jacket....Where is the Minx anyway? Probably down in the dungeon with Lilac throwing green papers at Bono.
Now to rescue the antique swords from those vampires!
K, now to go find Alien and find out what the big rush to get back here was...
Heeeeeeeeere I is! I had to just makes sures da Edge hadn't rescued Bono yet...gots to take him back to my mum....he is gonna be her pet.
Alien, dis smoking jacket sure is comfy!
Now, what did I do withs my drink?
The Vampires are gonna be Armed with Swords???
Glad that you reminded everybuddy that you will be COUNTIN Comments... and that there is a PRIZE involved!!!
Maybe if everybuddy ELSE is busy commentin over and over again... SHE won't have a chance to get in to Flap her Lips!!! BaaaaWaaaah
Roo! There you are. I need you to paint yourself green, put on the crown, and pretend you are me for the rest of the night.
Just smile and dance with all the girls. My mother won't know the difference. It's a solid plan. Nothing can go wrong. Frankie and I thought of it.
Hmmmm...I didn't think I had any of the Hicbarian moonshine yet but??? Did I just hear Alien wants to paint me green???
I Second that Roo!!! What could Pawsibly go wrong with a scheme that Alien and I Both think is grrrrreat???
I think Asta might have some Green Furs Spray. If not.. go check with LUCY... I am sure she has some in her Avon Collection.
Yep Yu did Roo, yu never know green coulds be your colour
Huh? Hi ya Frankie :) :( You want to paint me green too??? Y'all haven't been eatin any of those mushrooms over in the grotto have ya?
Pirate Jack! Hey there dude :) Um..ya think I could borry your eyepatch and hat fur a bit? I'm thinkin I need to disappear until whatever those two ate wears off!
I think I am gonna be #87
Yea!!! Now you only need 200 more comments today. AND all without... WE know Who!!!! BaaaaWaaaah
I count you at #91
Hmm. Maybe Roo is a little too big. I know! Pip is about my size. (See picture on side of blog) He has that bear suit. We can paint him green and give him the crown! Lets ambush him when he gets back from his cheeseburger run!
Wow, tickets must have been 75648 dollars to get in!!
Benny & Lily
*Strolling through gardens with Francine* You and I. We can rule this planet and take over Earth! Mu ha ha ha.
Yoo can'ts paint Pips untils mee has danced wivs him some or da paint will rubs off on mi dress. Lets me havs mi smoochie dance WOOHOO
I think this moonshine is making me hallucinate. I could have sworn I just saw a garden gnome run by with a stick of dynamite!
H-E-L-P! Somebody get me out of here! *drags mug back and forth across dungeon prison bars.*
What a great party! Hootie and I are having a blast. I love the dancing and parting.
Sally Ann
Why is Alien running around in a bra? His mom is going to be mad!
*Covers ears as a giant explosion rocks the castle*
What the heck was that!?!?
OHHHHHHHHHH have you all seen Asta and Mango??? Hubba Bubba
And Ronnii looks like a TRUE Princess and Richie is just dashing.
Aiiiiiiieeeee We MUST do something.. Evil Freddie has his hooks in FRANCINE... as bad as she IS.. and she Really doesn't MEAN to be that way... she doesn't deserve that fate!!! Not to mention with this will do to poor Rooney!!
PLEASE... some one do something QUICK!!! I gotta go have a NAP.. this is all toooooo much fur me.
I need some BeanO... this MESS is causin me to have a GAS attack. I need a NAP and Now I'm bloated and won't be able to sleep.
gack hurka hurka hack.
I never thought I would say THAT. Hurka Hurka
Holey Bat Guano! What was that!???
Frankie that you?!!! Dang! Talk about some back firin dude! Somebody quick! Get Frankie some BeanO!
I suspect the counter is over 100 by NOW... and STILL... Francine is in HIS company and I am havin MAJOR Gas Pains now!!!
Somebuddy... won't you PLEASE rescue Francine and send her... FAR FARRRRRRR away?????
ALIEN... is that a BRA you are wearing??? What is up with THAT????
Buddy, Mango is here with Asta and I just KNOW he is gonna be Mad as a wet squirrel at Francine fur callin him Guava instead of MANGO or RH. You've gotta get her off this planet... NOW!! If he throws a fit it will bring down your castle!!
Ruby: Holy crap!! What was that explosion?? It sure wasn't an earthquake!
Gizmo: I don't know. What's wrong with my head? What's IN that Moonshine stuff?
Bart: Guys! There's a huge swordfight going on out in the garden! Where's Roo? We need to protect the castle! We have GUARDING to do! COME ON!!
Bart: Roo!? Buddy ?! Are you there?
Gizmo: Is anyone injured??
Ruby: Is Roo here? I've always wanted to meet him *sigh*
Bart: Ruby! Pull it together!! We have guarding to do!!
Bart! Gizmo! and Ruby (((Heart)))
Er...Ruby so good to see you. I'll catch up with you later K? Maybe you would honor me with a dance at tonight's ball?
Guys! There's somethin goin on outside in the castle grounds! Let's Go!
I don't know what just happened but do you think Alien's mom will like the new skylight?
Poor Frankie! I'd get you some Bean O if I knew what the heck it was!
Oh! Good. I love this song. Turn it up, Pepsi!
It's raining men! And ceiling!
I'm right behind you, Roo. I DO NOT want to be here when my mother sees that whole in the ceiling. We will have to patch it up. After we stop the sword fight and paint Pip green, of course.
Let me just grab another Martini. Thank goodness Asta is at the bar again. That werewolf doesn't put in the right amount of cheeto.
I meant hole. Apparently I am too drunk to write or spell correctly!
And you love my bra. Puddles gave it to me!
Bart, Gismo, here's what I've heard....
Evil Freddie is out on the grounds possibly planting explosives with the help of some gnomes. Francine is somehow mixed up in this. Perhaps Freddie has woven romance and adventure into a web that Francine try as she might may not be able to escape on her own.
(I still can't believe Evil Freddie is alive...he is much more resilient that I thought) Thinkin we may need magic to prevail here.
So guys if you would patrol the grounds covertly, maybe we can find out more and come up with a plan?!
Gizmo, Bart and Ruby: We're right behind you Roo! Let's get 'em!!
Alien, I'm not goin to say a word about the bra. If you like wearin it that's just fine with me.
Now, stop worryin about the whole or hole or whatever is in the ceiling and let's see what we can do to prevent anythin worse from happenin!
Bart: Ruby, cover the hedge on the right. Giz, go chat with Bluberry over by the Fountain of Youth. I'll just sniff out the areas arounf the gate.
Giz and Ruby: Right!
Miss me! I had to pop back to earth for my little sister's fifth birthday party, but I am BACK! Now, who wants a cheeseburger! And someone please pass me a beer or two!
Gizmo: I like the bra, Alien...
Wow! What an amazing party! You are the hostess with the mostess!
Gizmo: Hi Blueberry. You are one long-legged beauty. What do you think of the party?
Pip! Hide!!! Frankie and Alien want to paint you green!
Oh and pal could you spare a cheeseburger? I'm starved!
Paint me green!!! Say what?? I guess, I will take this one for the Team, BUT first I must dance with Ronnii!
Alien, you looks Hooooot in ya bra!
I am so lost right nows.
psst: Roo, I have whole cooler of cheeseburgers hidden out in the garden.
Pip, I can hears you.
puddles, you are always welcome to my cheeseburgers (unless I have less than 10 left). Just don't tell anyone else.
Puddles! Is that you wicked one?
Well then throw me one...I is starved.
Why don't you text your human siisy and wish hers a most WONDERFUL BIRFDAY from ME!
Yes, dear Roo, It is I! I tried to leave a comment o your blog but blogger was acting up or hates me one.
Hmmmm... I just had a thought on how to at least deal Evil Freddie a setback.
Puddles, do you know how to make a Molotov cocktail?
Uh, no...but I'll learn. It ain't gonna blow up will it?
OMD...dat would be cool if it did though.
Pip thanks for much for the cheeseburger! Mom would be pissed if she knew I ate cooked meat but I was starved!
Is Pip dancin with Ronnii??? Well maybe that's a good thing. Keep him out of harm's way.
So Puddles, this is what I was thinkin. First we need more of that Hicbar moonshine. I heard somethin bout it bein ceremonial but well maybe the Queen will furgive us since we're usin it to save the castle an all?
Hehehehe...cooked meat. Just don't tells her...duh. She'll never know.
Ouch! Be careful! That is ME! Not a bush.
Blueberry, love. I'm the better catch. I have a crown and everything. Well, Pip has the crown now. If only he would sit still so I can paint him!
Oh er yeah it might blow up but hopefully not near us? :D
Oh so we ain't gonna blow nuttin up? Well dang it!
Wheres is da moonshine? Does Bono j=have it?
Sorry, dat was late coming in.
No more blowing anything up!
Well then...what CAN we do?
Oh yes, what a special moment dancing with Ronnii, the belle of the ball ...sigh ....
Roo - I forgot about the whole raw thing. I am sorry if I led you astray, buddy.
HEhehehehe...dats usually my job to lead astray.
I think we should split up. I need to paint Pip green, so he can take my place. Stop Evil Freddy and Francine from blowing anything else up. Stop the vampires from sword fighting in the garden. Stop the werewolves from eating all the food. And somehow find Bono who has managed to escape the dungeons.
But first I need another Martini.
Is Lucy still here? I want to make sure she has some good avon products to reverse the green paint. Otherwise, no deal. I have to look my best for my performance with Bono tonight.
Has anyone seen a sooper beautiful lady wivs the most wonderful pretty eyes and whose furs shines likes da moon on a clear nite ?
Oh man, my mum is gonna be PISSED....must go get another drink now...or five (skhakes head)
Psssst Puddles... once we put a rag in the jug of moonshine and light it...heh heh heh...well it'll blow up KaPowie!!! Er we just want to have thrown it toward Evil Freddie and the gnomes first :)
I need to find Asta. I bet she knows where the moonshine is...
Oh Richie, I has not seen hers and I knows. Cuz I know everyhting:)
Oh boy, it'll be like fireworks...hehehehe...cN I lite it?
Well, when you say it like that ...I guess I have to take the green paint. I had no idea the whole WORLD depended on my being painted green.
P.S.: Puddles, thanks for the b-day wishes!
I think we can make it through that hole in the ceiling. Boost me up, Bono and I'll pull you up after me.
Pip a word of advice pal. Don't give Lucy a smooch on the arse.
Edge....duh, Bono is too short furs dat.
And what did I hear? Your sis had a B-day today??? Jeez. Sometimes I think I need hearin aids. Please wish your sis a happy happy one for me too :)
Puddles, I'm thinkin if you still have those handcuffs??? You know fur the attemptin escapees?
*dodges blade* You will have to do better then that if you want to beat me!
Darn. I broke another sword. Throw me that old battle ax, will you?
Yes, I must go fetch those handcuffs furs da bipeds escapin'....mum would so not be happy if they do.
Is PIp gonna have to wear Aliens bra?
OMD...I wanna sword!!!!!!! I'm not allowed to play with sharp objects though.
BOL! You don't need a sword. You have an airborne bomb! Trumps a sword any day ;)
Bawhahahahaha! Did you kiss Lucy on the arse!!!!
Oh, and thanks for the b-day wishes. My sissies party wasn't quite as wild as this one! 15 4 and 5 years olds!
Where is my son? Look at my castle!
Uh oh. The Queen has made an entrance. I sure hope Alien found a really big plant to hide behind.
Pip if you're green already, I'd er hide really fast.
Wait a minute! No one said anything about wearing a bra! I do have SOME standards! You can paint me green, but I am not wearing a bra!
Nobody wears my bra!
No. Pip just has to wear his bear suit, which we spray paint green. Then he wears the crown, dances with all the girls, and waves to my mom. As long as Rosie doesn't say anything, we should be good.
I'll be drinking martinis in the corner.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....check out my sword....hahahahaha....oh dis is fun to swing around!
Don't worry Mother Hicabar. I have everything under control.
OMD! Puddles snagged a sword! Everybody DUCK!!!!!
Uh...uh....Rosie....I think sombuddy is callin you down from da dungeon.
Run! Puddles has a sword!
Ooops. Sorry, Bono. Didn't mean to knock you over.
Crap, I can't type!
Oh I am so likin dis sword!
Ooooops...sorry bout dat Sallie.
Um, I think I knocked Bono out. Somebody do something! He won't be able to perform tonight!
Er...I should have said CLIMB ON THE FURNITURE!!! Puddles is rather short ;)
Alien - grabbing his hand - dance with me. I have many things to tell you, but ...
oh no, those garden gnomes are back. We will have to continue this later. I need to go kick some gnome butt.
OH NO Sallie....what have you done? If my mum calls don't tell hers what happened to him.
Who you callin' short?
Sorry. Had to unspam Rosie and change characters. I'm getting a work out trying to keep up with you all!
Ha Ha! Climb on the furniture! *Takes sip of martini*
Sallie! We need Bono to perform tonight! Wake that dude up! Where is Lilac. She always has handcuffs on her. You'd think the ole' gal was a policewoman.
BONO...WAKIE WAKIE!!!!!!! Do you thinks we needs to slap 'em?
Well if Bono can't perform - I can fill in. I am told I have a very nice voice ... stop laughing,
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...sorry Pip, dat was just spontaneous.
Hmm. That is a good plan, Pip. But then who is going to take my place? I have all this green spray paint now.
Drat! Here comes my mother again.
Here just put this under Bono's nose - holds cheeseburger under his nose. I only have 30 left so he better appreciate it.
Puuuuuuulease let dis work....I mean you knows cuz Pip has to take Alien's place. NOT dat I don't want to hear Pip sing or nuttin.
Ladies....... I need a dancin' partner!!!!!
What's that Bono ... yes, I am a very nice doggie and most generous. And sure you can eat that cheeseburger, we certainly wouldn't want you to starve. You are welcome.
What's that - why yes, there is something you could for me ... sing for us tonight. We are really a very nice group of doggies, cats, werewolves, vampires, and aliens once you get to know us.
hey Alien, this is a pawsome party! I can't believe it is already Day 2. Time goes to fast when you are having a blast! Pepsi, you are spinning some great tunes! I can't stay away from the dance floor!
Now, I am going to grab me some armor and then down some of Roo's Hicbarian Moonshine!
Party on!
Oh dawg I've got that urge. Be back in a bit. I need to tour the grounds and find a suitable bush to irrigate.
COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORBIN....yay, you is heres...come on I'll dance withs you....just let me put my sword up.
Mr. Alien. It seems we will need new accommodations. There is a hole in the underground tunnels where are room used to be. And now light is falling down from the hole in the ballroom floor and the hole in the ceiling above. What do you intend to do about this matter?
Oh Gabe...go sprout some wings and leave us be.
I knew I smelled meat! Give me that cheeseburger, Bono!
Boys! Those dogs are hiding food on us! Get them!
Well, I never!
Alien. You can expect a declaration of war from our planet!
Oh crap...what do we do nows? Wheres my sword????
You wanna piece of me Gabe? I ain'r skeered of you...I hunt badgers remember!
I will hold your sword for you, Puddles. (insert evil kitty laughter)
Mee has some smellin salts in mi pawbag lets mee get dem dat will sorts Mr Bonio out quick smart. Mee will bee rite back
There are plenty of crab cakes in the kitchen. Please. Go help yourselves.
I will find you all nice rooms. The ball is starting any minute. Why doesn't everyone get dressed and meet back in the ballroom while we try and wake the entertainment?
PIP... Tell your Sis I said Happy Birfday!!
NO... you don't need to wear that crazy bra and all we need to do is color the bear suit furs green... with Temporary Stuffs... I got it out of Lucy's Avon Kit. Don't know where she was when I did it.. butt I know she won't mind.
That way you can just zip off the suit and OUT sing that silly two legger guy.
I saw you dancin with Ronnii.. she is Gorgeous in that gown, BTW.
NOW we gotta go BLAST Evil Freddie before he makes Francine any worse than she already is.
Did I hear someone say there were Vampires here ?
Good Job I have Mr Pointy
Heeeeeey Frankie, I was just wondering wheres you had gone to.
Anybuddy knows what da Bono is gonna sing? My dork mum wants to know:)
Whew! I feel much better. I found a nice sized bush with beautiful red flowers on it .... :O I sure hope those weren't heirloom somethin or others?
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