"Um, actually, my name is Sallie Marie."
"Ah, my mistake."

"That's ok. Say, what big eyes you have, Alien," Sallie said, staring into black, triangular depths.

He smiled. "The better to see you with, my dear."
Sallie blushed. "Aww. That is so romantic! Do you like the color red?"

"Oh, yes. In fact I have a red smoking jacket that I'm rather fond of. "
Sallie jumped for joy. "Yay! We should be best friends!"

And so they went playing in the woods. Becuase if a girl isn't afraid of Aliens, she certainly isn't afraid of puny wolves.
WHY would I ever what to read some other version of this tale... YOURS simply MUST BE THE BESTEST of them all. BRAVO!!! MORE MORE MORE!!
That is such a great story!! Dolce
What a wonderful story!
Nubbin wiggles,
Bring on the wolves!
Wonderful story....who even needs wolves.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Alien could just teleport you if you happened on any wolves.
OMD! The Lady in Red! It was Sallie all along. My mom had some crazy notion that it was her, but don't worry, I will set her straight!
Your pal, Pip
Miss Sallie Marie, you look beautiful in red!!!!
That is a lovely story....but what happened to grandma and the basket of muffins??
Are there any muffins leftover??
I looooved youw stowy much bettew than the othew vewsions and you make a most bootiful Wed widing hood.
How lucky to find youw best fwiend and always have him thewe to play wif you.
I'm sowwy I haven't visited lately, but you awe iin my heawt and I've missed you
smoochie kisses
Beautiful story, Sallie - and we love your red cape. We are so glad you have Alien to keep you safe in those woods, you never know what could be lurking.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
nice red cape Sallie and we love your version very very much, thanks for sharing
coco and tiffy
Great story Sallie! You are so lucky to have Alien to watch over you:)
Dat was such a wonderfur story. Thank You
That is the best fairy tail we ever read
Benny & Lily
That was a wonderful telling of the tale, Sallie and Alien! I love your red riding hood, too.
Our favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast! Mom is still a sucker for a good retelling of that one!
Lovely story, more more!
So that's how y'all first met! ...and they lived happily ever after ;)
Waggin at ya,
PeeS: Thinkin I would have made a great Big Bad Wolf ;)
BOL! I love YOUR version better than the original one!!!
hey Sallie,
What a great version of the fairy "tail"! I love happy endings, and yours is just that! And you look so pretty in your red cape, no wonder Alien has big eyes to take in all your loveliness!
Phew!! We thought that green guy might be evil Freddy!! We love a happy ending!!
What a good story....If you need an agent, I'm available....I work for treats too!!
Hugs Madi
Woof! Woof! LOVE it! ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Your version sure sounds much much better :D And Sallie.. you look real pretty in red :)
woofs n licks,
Hehe... this version is awesome!
Love it, love it, love it!
Very Cute -
miss'd you guys
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
Hey Sallie - Shiloh here.
That was the bestest Red Riding Hood story I ever did read. When is the movie version coming out - u will b the star of course?
Almost fergot - I iz havin'a barkday pawty tumorrow, 9/26. PawsBang will b playin'all day an'we will b havin'a give-away tu. Come on by an'bring Alien.
I always wondered how you two met and now I know. Deffo my fav version of this tail I must say
Momma Tea
xxx x xxx
We like your version of the story best of all! :)
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