Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sallie in the Hospital

Alien here,

After finishing our reports with the FBI, Sallie and I headed home for the holidays.

Looking back, the symptoms were all there: weight loss, drinking lots of water, frequently wanting to go outside...

Busy with visiting relatives and the New Year, we were caught off guard when Sallie suddenly became ill. We rushed her to a 24 hour emergency vet hospital, nearly fifty minutes from our house. They took her vitals. She was digagnosed with diabetes with severe complications. Insulin, ketones, cataracts, hospitalization, extended stay...Dawn broke down when they handed her an estimated bill of nearly six thousand dollars. Four thousand of which they wanted now.

A million thoughts ran through Dawn's head. If she sold herself on the street corner, would she make  the money in time? There was a car dealership nearby. Would they give her cash? But she needed transportation to get back and forth from the vet...There was a 25% chance Sallie could die! The vet stood over us. "The percentage increases the longer we wait."

Nearly two hours later, after haggling like a fish wife for them to accept 700 dollars as a down payment to begin treatment, the hospital agreed to keep Sallie for twelve hours. It wasn't much, but it would buy some time.

 Faced with coming up with 1200 dollars for the next twelve hours of care, or having Sallie put out on the street, Dawn called everyone she could think of, trying to raise money and find a vet or doggie hospital with some form of financial aid. She finally found North Shore Animal League. They could help Sallie for a fraction of the cost. They would let Dawn have a payment plan to pay the bill off!

The problem was that NSAL was another hour away, two hours from home. They opened at 9am. Sallie was payed up until midnight. What would happen to her in the nine hours between when she wouldn't be on medicine to bring her blood sugar level down? Was she stable enough to move? How much would they charge for the extra hours? It always came back to money!

Maybe it was the telephone calls from all the local vets Dawn called during the day, including Sallie's usual vet requesting documents and asking questions. Maybe it was the visits from concerned friends, or Dawn wailing in the waiting room with wads of tissues piled around her--Dawn thinks it was the fact that Nicole from North Shore Animal League volunteered to call the vet and speak to them---but whatever the reason, the hospital allowed Sallie to stay until the morning and continue receiving care for the same price. She would only be off the medicine for the hour it took to transport her.

We picked Sallie up and took her to North Shore Animal League. They took her into the doctor right away. They said, "Lets take care of Sallie first and discuss money later." Finally! This was how it should be! Dawn felt like crying again; only this time in relief. NSAL was our hero!

 I'm happy to report that Sallie is responding well to the treatment. As of the last report, the bad ketones had gone away and her bloodsugar level had gone down. Unfortunately, she is almost completely blind. It happened almost over night. There is a possibly she could regain some vision with surgery down the road. I know she wants to see her handsome friend Alien again! But the first thing is to make sure Sallie is well. We know NSAL is doing their best to take care of her. Please send good vibes her way!

Some friends and family have mentioned wanting to help with medical costs. We are extremely grateful! Again, NSAL has been great. They will take credit card donations over the phone and apply it to Sallie's bill. Just ask for Nicole and tell her you want to help Sallie and Alien! (516) 883-7900 (ext. 214)  email: Nicolew (at) animalleague (dot) org. You can also send a check for Sallie and Alien addressed to NSAL. Attention: Nicole The address and other information is on the North Shore Animal League website. Click Here! 

If by some miracle donations exceed the amount of Sallie's bill, all extra funds will go towards NSAL's wish list. Thank you so much for spreading the word. If you have no money but want to show some love, how about sending a card thanking NSAL for taking good care of your friend, Sallie? Everyone likes a little appreciation now and then. The staff surely deserves it. We already know you love us!

I will be flying back and forth from the hospital and visiting friend's blogs. Sadly, many of our friends have been suffering with illness too. I want to wish them well! The joy blogville brings us is incomparable. Already this new year has given me a deeper appreciation for those special people constantly supporting me.

I love you, Sallie!



rottrover said...

Oh Alien!! We are sending extra-strength POTP to Sallie! Thank goodness Dawn found NSAL! We're sending our strongest healing vibes her way!

-Bart and Ruby

Ruby said...

OMD! I am sending some POTP and I am keepin' them crossed REAL tight for Sallie! That is indeed awful stuffs about the ER vetties. They are the same way here. I sometimes can't believes how they treat the very animals they are suppose to help. (I know, they ARE a business, but to put a life over money, just doesn't make sense to me)
I'll see if my Ma has any extra green papers to contribute, in the meantime, keep good thoughts, and I'll send you some AireZens....
pees: thanks for stoppin' by my bloggie! I always love meeting new furends!

Unknown said...

Oh my golly gosh what an awful situation and how dreadful that money comes before welfare of an animal. We will pop over and leave a message to NSAL. POTP to Sallie. Nice to meet you. Have a good Sunday if you can.
Best wishes Molly

The Daily Pip said...

I am so sorry you and Sallie are going through this shouldn't be this way. If a family member is sick, furry or non-furry, help should be available without the stress of finances. We are going through some similar issues with Pip's medical care so I truly understand. Hang in there ...somehow it will all work out!

I will also include a link to this post in my post tomorrow. Wish I could make a donation, but we are struggling with affording Pip's care - I am sorry!!! You know I would help, if I could!!!

xoxo, Kristin & Pip

The Daily Pip said...

Have you heard about Care Credit? It's specifically for vet care and I think most places take it now. A couple of friends have used this service and love it!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh gosh- I am so sad about this. I wish I had some extra green papers,, but all I have right now is well wishes and prayers.. I will do my best to pass the word on.
Sending bubbles in the sky filled with hope and healing

Barbara said...

Oh no! I have no green papers to give as we are paying off our own vet bills, but we are sending prayers and thanks to the North Shore people for helping! Get well soon, Sallie!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH POOR Sallie Marie. We are soooooo sorry to hear this about her. We have our Paws TIGHTLY CROSSED fur her to make a FULL RECOVERY.

Alien said...

I could feel the love from outer space! Thank you all for your kind thoughts! Sallie and I have the best friends.

Sketching with Dogs said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sallie. What a terrible thing to happen. We are sending all our love and healing chi vibes to her.
Get well soon Sallie, we love you!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Two French Bulldogs said...

forget the alien, who is peeking out from behind the bushes
Benny & Lily

Kari in Alaska said...

We are sending our love to Sallie!

Stop on by for a visit

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Sallie and Mom
We are sending you all our purrs and let's of hugs we will keep checking back to see how you are doing. God bless that caring hospital.
Madi and mom

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh, Sallie! I'm so very sorry to be hearing all of this. We've heard so many good things about the North Shore Animal League so I know you're in very good paws. Keep us updated if you can. We have a Care Credit account and don't know what we'd do without it with all the vet bills we have throughout the year. Something you might want to look into. If we have any treat money left toward the end of the month after all the bills are paid, we'll call Nicole.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! This post makes us sad. Sending Lots of Golden Healing Thoughts and Golden LOVE. Crossing my Golden PAWS. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

BTW: your (Alien's) blog comment made us laugh. Golden Woofs

meowmeowmans said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sallie being so sick! Thank goodness for NSAL. That is just terrific that they are working with Dawn like that. We will purr and pray for Sallie, the doctors at NSAL, and Dawn. And we will see if we can find some green papers to help, even if just a little.

Hugs to you all. Get well soon, Sallie. We love you!

Sam said...

Very scary. Shame on the first vet for not doing the important thing - helping Sallie - first. Kudos to NSAL for a job well done. Get well, lil' girl.

3 doxies said...

OH my gawd Alien, dis is just terribles! Poor Sallie and Dawn has been through da ringer and it totally sucks cuz it was all bouts da money...and it shouldn't be when a life is at stake. But I am so thankful to NSAL fur helpin' our dear Sallie.
Nows, Dawn and Alien, we is here fur ya'll and we is sendin' da power of da paw and my most awesome healin' vibes. PLEASE keep us updated on evrything.


Anonymous said...

Oh No Sallie! Thank goodness you are getting the care you need at a good place. Terrible how some medical practitioners behave. Glad you're out of the first place and now with NSAL. Power of the Paw is coming your way my furiends. Sending you loads of healing vibes and wellness wishes!

We love all of you very much!
The Roo Family

PeeS: We don't have much butt we will share some of what we do have. That's what furiends are for :) Will contact Nicole today or tomorrow and contribute what we can.

The Daily Pip said...

We added a link to your blog in our post today. Hope Sallie is feeling better today.

Your pal, Pip

Asta said...

Deew Alien
I am so sad to wead all that sweet Sallie has had to go thwoo and poow Dawn. What. A nightmawe. Thank dog fow NSAL. Befowe we had to move fwom New Yawk all the way acwoss the sea, we aways suppowted the. They awe wondewful. My angel bwuvvew was blind fow the last fouw yeaws of his life hewe oneawf, and while Mommi was so sad fow him, it didn't stop him fwom having a gweattime and being the same happy tewwiew he aways was. He woold bump into thing, then justgoawound. He didn't cawe. I hope Sallie will getall stable and have a vewy long gweat life
Smoochie healing kisses

houndstooth said...

Oh goodness! I am so glad that Sallie is getting better. We sure know that emergency clinics equal big dollars. It sounds like good luck is on Sallie's side. We have our paws tightly crossed for her!


Scooter said...

Oh, Alien, I am so very saddened to hear that Sallie has bad sickies, but I'm glad she's getting some help now. Poor, sweet girl. She's such a great furiend. I'm putting my paws together with my peeps to send a whole bunch of super-strong healing vibes to her right away. Please tell her we love her and to feel better.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Life with Wrigs said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sallie (via Power of the Paw)! Glad you were able to find North Shore Animal League and get her the care she needs. We'll be keeping fingers and paws crossed that she makes a full recovery and that her vision will improve.

Susan and Wrigs

Remington said...

I am SO sorry to hear this....Sallie is in our thoughts and prayers....

Marg said...

Oh gosh, we are so sorry to hear that Sallie is so sick. I wish we had some money to donate. But we sure will post about this on our blog. And we send many kitty purrs and a woof too. We also have two miniature donkeys here and they are crossing their little cute hooves for you Sallie.

Opinionated Pussycats said...

We second the motion on looking into care credit.

Our Daddy Kiril got it for his ankle surgefry las spring, but it helps pay for us as wedll if needed.

Purrs and Purrayers

Mr. Nikita
Elvira Mistress of Felinity

HoundDogMom said...

Stopping over from Pip's blog. We are sending healing drool and power of the paw for Sallie. We are just so sorry you had to go through this. We know those emergency vets charge an arm and an leg if not more. We are glad you are getting some assistance. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Elaine Pritchard said...

We're rooting for Sallie over here in England too after the Zoolatry Girls told us about her plight.


Piappies World said...

We got our paws crossed for Sallie. So thankful that you got help especially the assistance of NSAL. We really pray that Sallie will feel better soon.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Hi Sallie's pawrents and Alien!!
Wesa are heartbroken at the news. Wesa will definently be saying a prayer for her (da mamas) and crossing our paws for her healthy return to your arms.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

Cat said...

Sending you licks, tailwags and headbutts and purrs from all of us...GET WELL SOON!! WeezDaBadCats & DaMeenDawgs (Tiny, Ellwood, Ginger, Elioth and Chouchou)

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a horrible experience! We're so glad Sallie is responding to treatment. Sending hugs, purrs and pawtaps.

booahboo said...

We just came from Pippy's side. So very sorry to hear about Sallie. How very sudden... and terrible way on how the clinics handle emergencies. Over here.. they would save the pet's life first.
Our hearts are with you thru this trying time.

many hugs,
Dommy + Piper

The Island Cats said...

We just heard about Sallie through the blogosphere. We're so sorry she is so sick and that you had to go through all of that with the ER clinic. We are so happy that you found NSAL and that Sallie is responding to treatment. We are revving up our purr motors and purring for Sallie.

Dandy Duke said...

You will be in our thoughts and prayers, Sallie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

stellaroselong said...

Hi Sallie and MOmma
We came over from Pips page just to wish you lots of luck and send you a prayer and a hug. It is so sad that care comes down to monies. We will try to help!
Stella rose and family

Fenris and Family said...

Oh Sallie, Thank Dog for NSAL they are our heroes too. We has our paws crossed for you and the cats are sending healing purrs.

sprinkles said...

What a terrible way to start out the new year! I'm so sorry to hear about Sallie's troubles. I hope her situation improves.

You're in our thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...

Oh dear. We are keeping Sallie in our thoughts and prayers. Thank goodness for NSAL and a BIG thank you to them for taking good care of our Sallie!

Anonymous said...

Poor Sallie! So sorry to hear this news. We hope Alien and Mom are taking real good care of you, Sallie!

POTP to you all.

Elyse and Riley

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohh Sweets Sallie, wee is most sads to hear dis news butts wee nose yoo will gets frew dis. Wee is prayin hards fur yoo, keepin yoo in our forts n sendin yoo healin vibes n pawsitive forts too. Yoo r'member Angel sista Mollys hads da diabetikals too n hers always hads lots ovs fun n enjoyed her life to da max n wee nose dats yoo wills to Sweet Sallie

Da K Krew

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Oh dear - we Beaglebratz r kinda late with this. We r sendin'sum Beagle Aroooooo'z an'a lot of POTP an'mom iz sendin'prayerz tue. Pleeze Sallie'z mom - if u haza chance - cood u let us know how Sallie iz duin? Butt FURST, u take care of u - NSAL an'God will take really good care of Sallie. An'let Sallie know we iz all sendin'her the POTP so she can keep on keepin'on.
Shiloh'n The Diva Shasta

LP said...

We are coming over from Pip's blog to give you a word of encouragement. We will be thinking of both you and Sallie and sending you our love.

the critters in the cottage xo

Oskar said...

What a horrible experience. I'm so thankful that you were able to find someone to put Sally's needs first.

Hugs & best wishes,
Oskar & Pam

tubby3pug said...

We are visiting from Pips blog to send our love

urban hounds

Dachshund Nola said...

I'm so sorry! POTP and Doxie vibes headed your way

3 doxies said...

You can still join my Benadryl pawty...da more da merrier I say. I is all good, nows we just has to get Sallie all betters. Does you think martini's will help her?

Minx...dang does I miss typin' dat

Carol said...

Were from Pip's blog, so sorry your going through this, you will be in our prayers.

The silvers and more

Unknown said...

I seen you on Pip's blog and had to come visit, i'm so sorry to hear about whats happened, i send you love and kissed and healing paws, me and mum will pray for you every night,get well soon<3
Loads of love, Milo :)<3

KB said...

Our friend Pip sent us over. We wanted to offer our support, good vibes, and strong thoughts. We'll also thank NSAL for you - they sound like the angels who you needed right at that moment.

I hope that Sallie keeps responding well.

Ziggy Stardust said...

I will keep paws crossed that everything is ok.

Loveys Sasha

Jenna and Sissy said...

We are visiting from Alasandra's blog and so sad to hear about Sallie's diabetes. The human is unemployed so we can't send green dollars. We will send lots of healing purrs for Sallie. She is a lovely lady and we hope she is home real soon.

bichonpawz said...

We are so very sorry to hear about Sallie and we are sending all kinds of prayers and good vibes for everyone to feel better. Thank God for the North Shore Animal League helping you out!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

John Bellen said...

I just read about Sallie on the Cat Blogosphere site, and came over to wish her the best of luck. What an ordeal it must have been - and continues to be. I'm beginning to think that most veterinarians get into the work because of the money. It's a business to them, not a profession. Even if Sallie remains blind, she is alive and loved. I'll bet that tail continues to wag.

Marg said...

We have a suggestion for you. And that is to put a Chip in on your side bar so people can help you with Sallie's bills. Just google, Chip-in and hey give you the directions on how to do it and you just copy the code and there you have it. You do need to have a pay pal account for it.

A MilShelb Mom said...

Oh no!! We hope she is ok SOON!
~Milly and Shelby

Anonymous said...

We just wanted to come by and tell you that our paws and fingers and toes and everything else is crossed real, real tight for dear Sallie. It sounds like she's in very good hands and I hope she's on the road to recovery super soon.

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. We agree with Miss Marg about the Chip In. We did one for the Houston Pittie Pack and it was very easy.

Stewey said...

Oh dear - I just found out about Sallie. My paws are crossed tightly for her. Sending healing vibes to precious Sallie!

Bassetmomma said...

I have missed so much and am so sorry to hear about Sallie! We are sending all of our positive thoughts and prayers her way and keeping our fingers and paws crossed.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Just stopped by to check on Sallie. Sure hope she is doing better. Sending more hugs, purrs & pawtaps!

Carol said...

We just came back to check on Sallie, hope she is doing better. The chip in is a good idea. We tried to call Nicole but we were unable to connect with her so, we sent it by mail.

The silvers and more

Wyatt said...

Get better soon, Miss Sallie. You are like our papa now. He has been a 'type one' diabetic his whole adult life. We send our 'power of the paw' and prayers that you stabilize quickly and get on with life.
Love and Kisses,
Wyatt and Stanzie

haopee said...

Oh my gosh! I wanted to drop by to say hi but it seems I've visited in a bad time.

I hope Sallie is okay now! It must have been devastating to go through what you guys have... and Sallie. :(. It's a lot to take.

I do hope you guys are okay.

Thank you for dropping by our blog. We hope to see you once you get all better again.

Huggies and Cheese,

Haopee of my dogs love me

P.S. We bookmarked NSAL. Me thinks of linking them to commend their effort to you.

Katie said...

Hello, we are friends of Alasandra and posted just today about Tuiren, right before I was informed that she went missing.

We are so sorry to hear about Sallie and hope everything will work out. We have updated our post to include that donations to Tuiren will be passed on to Sallie if she doesn't return.

You can read it here:

All our best,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Smile With Your Tail said...

We just found your bloggy and thought you could do with some of our slobbers and power of the paw.
Get better soon Sallie!

Unknown said...

Hi Sallie, I hope you continue to get better & better. We are sending you big hugs & kisses from everyone here!

Pauley James & Gang

FiveSibesMom said...

We are thinking of you, Sallie, and woo and hope that you continue to keep getting better everyday. Sending Husky (soft and gentle) hugs to you.

K9 Katastrophie said...

Alien! We are so sorry to hear that Sallie isn't feeling well. We are praying. Please keep us updated.


Anonymous said...

Dear Sweet Sallie,

I just found out that you have been ill and my heart hurts to read the news. However, I am so thrilled Dawn found you such wonderful care at NSAL. Angels were watching over you! Please know you are in my thoughts and I will pray for your rapid recovery. Love you Sallie!

Big Hugs & Kisses,

K (Suka's mom)

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